I am a full time 5th grade teacher and part time farmer and wedding venue provider. I have a flock of Wellsummer chickens that lay dark brown speckled eggs and Americana chickens that lay the blue green eggs. I have been keeping chickens for 19 years. I sell eggs for $4 per dozen. My chickens are fed a laying pellet, scratch grains, kitchen scraps, and are allowed out of their coop to forrage for insects. Once you have had home grown eggs you will never buy store bought again.
If you would like your own flock I can incubate eggs for a straight run of chicks.
Accepted Methods of Payment
Direct Payment
I accept cash payment. Eggs are $4 per dozen.
Product Delivery Options
You can pick up eggs at my place. Contact me for my address. I live in Wallis, TX. 12 miles south of Sealy, 15 miles north of Rosenberg, 28 miles west of Katy.
Seller delivery
I will deliver if you live within 10 miles of where I live.