This radish is the hottest among those I have to offer. Abundant in sulfur, radishes are great for your skin! Their spicy nature is warming and good for digestion. They are among the most popular vegetables in Japan and are renown for their high medicinal value in helping to eliminate excess fat and mucous in the body. My personal favorite superfood! I will therefore be offering a lot of these, so take advantage of them!
1 lb radish
6 tbsp vinegar of choice
1 tsp salt
1 2-inch piece fresh turneric / 1/2 tsp dried turmeric
freshly ground pepper
If desired, for added sweetness:
add 1 tbsp sugar
or 2 tbsp mirin (fermented rice cooking condiment with high sugar content, without sugar added)
Toss together with thinly shaved radishes and serve immediately, or prepare ahead of time as flavors (and color) develop further over time.