White meat ground turkey from Maryland farm.
Available in 1 or 2 lb packs.
Triadelphia Lake View Farm is a diversified 5th generation family farm in Howard County. Well-known for their cut-your-own Christmas trees, this farm is a staple in the community. While they own about 90 acres, they support other local farms through leasing land to grow hay, feed, and to pasture some of their animals.
Turkeys are all raised on pasture once they can go outside at 6 weeks old. They are supplemented with a soy-free ration that is all GMO-free. Turkeys are processed on farm.
Parts are available year-round and whole turkeys available seasonally. Farmer Jamie has the capacity to grow a lot of turkeys and prices them for large sales volume. So we get great turkey for a great price!
The turkeys are 100% raised on pasture with a supplemental of soy free and GMO free grain mix using beyond organic techniques. Turkeys will move to grass field after six weeks. In addition to whole turkeys, turkey feet, legs, breasts, heads, hearts, wings are also available, as well as ground turkey dark and white meat. Pre-order fresh turkey at a great price before Thanksgiving. All turkeys are processed on farm so they are fresh. Know exactly where your food is coming from!