Award Winning Raw Sheep’s Milk cheese, most artisanal tomme style cheese, semi-hard natural
wash rind white Italian style cheese aged on shelf with a developed rind, strongest flavors of the ewe, use sliced or grated on crackers or your favorite Italian dishes. Becomes harder through aging process.
Available in approximately 8oz portions. Adjusted on final invoice.
Shepherds Manor Creamery produces artisan sheep cheese specializing in raw sheep's milk cheese. The farm is located in the beautiful countryside of Carroll County, Maryland.
Sheep milk cheese is lactose issue friendly! Easier to digest than cows milk cheese, it is creamy, rich in protein, and high in nutrients.
The farm and creamery are run by Colleen and Michael Histon. When they began this journey, they traveled to several sheep dairy farms and decided to embark on raising dairy sheep and producing farmstead sheep's milk cheese. They purchased lambs in Virginia and Wisconsin. Colleen is the main cheese maker. Farm tours are available as per their website.
Other cheese options they make are available through Grassfed on the Hill upon request.
Tasty cheeses from local farmers in MD and PA. European style, including cow milk cheese and sheep milk cheese. They are creamy, rich in protein, and high in nutrients! Grass fed, organically pastured, humanely raised and FREE FROM soy, artificial hormones, and antibiotics. Check out all the different types of cheeses that are available from local farmers!