This is a classic camembert. It is smooth and fatty, with a richness like a brie.
It pairs beautifully with the vanilla fig balsamic vinegar and the miscrogreens.
Texture: A supple texture that rolls across the palate with
a creamy ease
Flavor: A mild yet rich sweet buttery tasting cheese with
soft lingering flavors of tangy cream; the slightly nutty
flavored rind is gentle and well integrated into the smooth
rich center
Aged: 60 days
Milk Type: Cow
Approximate shelf life: 4 weeks
Suggested Wines:
Crisp, Dry, Fruity Whites: Sauvignon Blanc, Viognier,
Pinot Gris, Oaked or Unoaked Chardonnay, Sparkling Wine
Light Fruity Reds: Pinot Noir, Merlot, Beaujolais
Goot Essa Cheese began in 2001 with a group of Amish dairy farmers who worked together to produce high quality cheese with some of their milk. Our goal is to keep our families on the farm. Our cheese and other products are made with the same ingredients and intense care we provide for our own community.
We have chosen to work our fields in the traditional way. Our farms are small, but each acre and animal is cared for with love and respect for the ways of nature. Ours are true family farms where each member of the family has chores and contributes to the good of the farm and the whole community.
Our goal is to offer products made from the freshest, highest quality, all natural ingredients. We want you to experience food straight from the farm. We offer foods with real flavor, made by hand in small quantities, with individual attention that makes a purchase for your table or a gift for a friend so much more meaningful.
In the German language, “Goot Essa” means “good food” or “good eating.” We hope our guests enjoy their meals, so we wish them “goot essa” before eating. It seems natural to name our group “Goot Essa” because we want you to share in our love of good, old-fashioned, country-style food.
that’s our Story...
-The Goot Essa Family